Saturday, January 30, 2010

Universal Healthcare

The US is thought of as the leader of the free world. We are a superpower, setting the standard in many areas when it comes to freedom, rights and privileges. So, why is it that we can’t seem to come to agreement on health care for all workers.

Are there actually those among us who think our health care in the US reasonably supports the majority of our citizens? Yes, we have great medical care available to us, arguably the best in the world, in fact. But, if a large percentage of our population can not afford to use these great doctors and facilities, what’s the point in having them? Do we, the people, really believe that good medical care is a privilege of the rich and famous.

Do we hold our doctors in such high esteem that we believe that their right to make $400,000 a year is more important than the right of the person making minimum wage to get good treatment when he has cancer? Do we really believe that it’s OK for a middle class person to go bankrupt in order to pay medical bills? Do we really think that prescriptions need to cost $300 a month in order to keep us healthy.


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