Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Un-Diet

“I’m dieting for our trip to Mexico.”

How often do we declare “I’m going on a diet” or “No thanks, I’m on a diet”? What is a diet anyways? To me, a diet is a fixed way of being specifically tailored to create optimum weight loss in a certain amount of time; the main outcome being, get skinny fast! Well, what happens when you lose that weight and look uber hot and sexy for your vacation? Most of us will feel so deprived that we booze our faces off and eat like we have never seen a buffet before. You end up fatter than you were to begin with. I can openly admit that I have most definitely done this.  The results never stay because it’s not a realistic lifestyle change. These types of “crash-diets” cannot be sustained for long periods of time.  If they could be, I would have 18% body fat all year round!  I don’t believe there is any harm in wanting to shed a few pounds to look svelte in a bikini. It’s the after math that eventually catches up… We skimp on calories and over do work outs, just to make it to that “special day” or that “certain number” on the scale. Then what happens when you reach your goal? You go back to your regular way of being.  You try not to think about it again until you get invited to an event where you know photos of you will be taken. It starts all over, you do your best to shed that underarm jiggle and pray that you will still fit into last year’s Christmas dress.  I don’t want these potentially embarrassing situations to be the “fire under my ass” so to speak. I don’t want the prospect of wearing a bathing suit in public fear me into hitting the tred mill. This type of motivation doesn’t help KEEP you motivated. Motivation is the key.

Today I commit to NOT-Dieting. That’s right! I am starting the UN-Diet. I refuse to go to extreme measures to try and achieve unrealistic results.  I want to create an advantageous lifestyle. I want healthy eating and sustainable choices to be the norm. I don’t know how I’m going to make this happen but I’m committed to exploring the options….


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