Sunday, January 3, 2010

5 Tips For Keeping Your Resolutions

Hello Everyone! It’s that time of year again. We are starting the new year and we’ve made some decisions to effect a change in our lives. Sitting here writing this piece, I have already begun laying the foundations for everything that I wish to accomplish this year. I realize that my goals are very ambitious, but if I don’t have a goal, I feel like I’m just drifting along.

In light of this, one of my resolutions, is to stick to my resolutions. That seems like a funny thing to say, doesn’t it? It does ring true–we sometimes make goals for ourselves, and sometimes along the way, we forget about the things that we wish to accomplish. I have done it myself so many times, and now is the time for me to make it happen. I hope that the tips listed below, help you make it happen as well:

1. REACH FOR THE STARS! Don’t be afraid to set your goals as high as you can. I constantly hear that you should have lofty goals, but if you don’t reach them, it’s okay. I completely disagree with this. If you want something out of life–go get it! As long as that goal doesn’t hurt anyone, then why not?

2. CREATE MILESTONES ALONG THE WAY TO YOUR GOALS. You should absolutely go after your goals, but you definitely need smaller goals to mark the road ahead. For instance, if you want to be able to run 5 miles for a workout; start off by running a single mile. Once you feel more comfortable with running, and more efficient, try running 2 miles. This, of course, is just an example. Just as you set your own goals, you’ll have to decide where your milestones will be.

3. BE ACCOUNTABLE. If you’re going to make those goals, you have to be accountable to yourself and the people who are cheering you on. Be good to yourself–you deserve to reach your goals. Find a way of “allowing” yourself to be successful. A great way to stay on track, is to find someone who can help you along or coach you to your goals.

4. GET RID OF THE EXCUSES! Believe me when I say that we live in a very busy world. Part of being a trainer, is to help people find time for themselves. Every single person that I have ever taught or trained in twenty years of doing so, have all had one common trigger: they made a choice to devote themselves to their goals. They found a way of balancing everything, and gave themselves the attention they deserve. When it got tough, they just adjusted and stayed the course. Anyone can do this with enough belief. It may not be easy, but it can be done.

5. NEVER SELL YOURSELF SHORT. You deserve to accomplish your goals. You deserve to be good to yourself. You can do it! Often times, I face struggles that chip away at my confidence. I always try to remember two things: The first one is that I am not the only person in the history of people that has had a challenge such as this. Because we all share the same or similar experience; someone, somewhere, somehow along the way, must have faced something very similar to me. The second thing is: I am surrounded by great people in a great community who believe in me. That is the greatest gift that anyone could have given me–help and support in who I am and what I do.

One of the great things that we do in the fitness department at TLAC, is make a 90 Day Wonder Calendar. On it we prioritize our time, and make specific allotments for various activities as they relate to our goals. We generally post them in a conspicuous location, so that we have a constant reminder. I really do love this idea…but I’m going to take it a step further.

I am going to make myself accountable, by involving all of you–my friends at the club. I realize that this is uber-ambitious, however, I can’t think of a better way of staying on track, then to have the most important people in my life there at every turn.

Starting Saturday, January 9, 2010–and every Saturday following for the next year, I will be posting my goals for the year, and my progress. I will be updating everyone with a link to my blog, via Twitter and Facebook. If you know someone that might be interested, please don’t hesitate to have them “follow” me, or become my “Facebook Friend”.It will eventually include video excerpts of my training regimen–which will also include my victories and struggles along the way. I’m not interested in creating a “polished” representation, but rather,  I want to share my true experience with everyone. Believe me, I won’t be able to do it without all of you. Thank you in advance!


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