Sunday, October 4, 2009

Do you like fishsticks?

The best part of waking up… is knowing you’re going to have an awesome breakfast. Okay, maybe that isn’t completely true because there are a lot of great things that get me out of bed every morning. But when my eyes popped open at 7 this morning I was looking forward to my blueberry french toast and scrambled eggs–a pretty heavy breakfast for me, but perfect since I went on a 6 mile run about 45 minutes later.

My run was so good today. It was hard, challenging, and a true test of my willpower, but those things are what make running worth it for me. Unfortunately my HRM watch was being wonky again, so here are my “kind of” splits, adjusted a little so not perfect:

  • 10:38:31 (not correct, would be closer to 10:02 but my lap button was malfunctioning)
  • 9:48:62 (definitely not correct)
  • 10:22:46
  • 10:45:32
  • 10:43:60
  • 10:40:31

Total time=1:03:00

I was pretty pleased with not only the run, but also my time. I tried to maintain a comfortable pace and not push myself too hard since this was my long run for the week, but I didn’t hit any 11:00 miles, which always makes this girl smile. My legs felt surprisingly good after just running 5 miles on Friday. I think the key to this was some major icing after Friday’s run, along with rolling out my legs. Also, I swam in some pretty cold water yesterday while we rafted and soaked in the hot water at the onsen, too. Add all of those things together and you get legs that felt like they were fresh-off-the-conveyor-belt-at-the-factory good.

Besides my run and a few household chores, I decided today was going to be my day. I don’t get to take advantage of the weekend and just do things that make me happy very often (being an adult sure has its downside, doesn’t it?) so I wanted to really milk today for all it was worth while I can. I know I have a busy week ahead of me, so enjoying today was a top priority! I made a Caitlin list to make sure I got the most out of it:

Started off by changing into a tank top post-run. It is supposed to rain here all this upcoming week and rumor has it that after that the warm weather will be nowhere to be found. I’m pretty sure the person who told me this is right since all the shops have started setting out their winter goods and supplies. Oh yay… not. I hate winter. So this is probably the last time I’ll be wearing a tank top for a few months, which is too sad.

Then I decided it was a perfect time to bake! I scribbled down a recipe I found online for chocolate chip cookies and halved it (no, it’s really not necessary to have two dozen cookies sitting around my apartment screaming for me to eat them, I decided).

The recipe was really easy and made some super yummy cookies, J said.

I agreed, obviously, since I ate 2 3 of them.

After the cookie baking extravaganza, I headed to the grocery store, which I do not consider a chore. I love to grocery shop… maybe a little too much. For me, wandering down the aisles and looking at all of the food choices is a bit like turning a kid loose in a toy store. Didn’t find a ton of new/fun foodie items, but I did buy two different new yogurts that I will try soon. One is a 0% fat one, so maybe it will be a little bit like Chobani or Oikos? I hope! That would make my week. Also I picked up some sprouts for the first time, so I’ll have to get back to you on how those go.

When J and I got back from grocery shopping I decided it was FINALLY time for lunch (oh it was only 4:30!). Despite my 6 mile run earlier this morning my body just wasn’t too hungry. Maybe it was the banana I snacked on after my run, or the three cookies?

I baked two pieces of white fish that I found at the grocery store today and made some pasta for the side. I made too much pasta! I knew I’d end up putting about half of that in the refrigerator for a different meal. I actually ended up putting almost all of it in the refrigerator because the seasoning I used on it was way to spicy for my taste. I felt like my mouth was on fire after only two bites. Whew! Not for me. The fish, however, was delicious, and was appropriately dipped in ketchup, which is the best way to eat fish if you ask me.

Dinner was a little more creative than usual, for me.

I had already promised J we could do quesadilla tonight, but when it came time to make them I wasn’t feeling it. Mexican was just “meh.” So, I threw some broccoli in the microwave until it was hot and melted some cheese and chicken in with the broccoli to make my quesadilla. It was really good, actually, and the broccoli gave it a good flavor.

Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum! And oh yeah, check out the new plates I picked up today. They’re clear, which is okay, but they are nice because we don’t have too many plates, having just moved into our own place.

It’s movie time and then off to bed. One more day of helping J at school and then I’m DONE!

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