Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Cause4KDZ and KooDooZ

Cause4KDZ is a sub-brand of KooDooZ.  Whereas the latter is an interactive social media site which rewards kids for achieving change around personal or societal challenges, Cause4KDZ is a vlog which will be posting a variety of different video interviews with kids who are change-makers.  Built as a “virtual meets virtuous world,” KooDooZ teaches KDZ (our site users) how to find their life balance of Heart, Mind, Body and Spirit through featured goals co-developed by brand and non-profit partners to meet service learning standards, and/or to address social impact and cause-marketing campaigns. 

KDZ are given challenge methodologies and milestones to track their hours for civic recgonition, scholastic credit or personal avhievements.  As an added bonus, friends and family can choose to financially reward (micro-donate) to these young change-makers (or the non-profits they serve) via an integrated payment gateway on KooDooZ. 

Research shows that people who track their goals are 75% more likely to acheive them, and KooDooZ provides the online and real-world goal attainemnt to turn challenges into lifelong achievements.

In August, KooDooZ engaged youth and their families at a real-world event, entitled “Tour De Fitness” for the purpose of driving new engagement around the importance of youth health & wellness.  Powered by O2 MAX Fitness our 6-mile walk leveragd the expertise of certified fitness and nutrition experts to design comibinations of energy and nutrition stations.

With nearly 12-million children in the U.S. significantly overweight, fun events like Tour De Fitness have the potential to change the shape of America — literally.  The simple act of exercisng can make anyone feel good about themselves.  Which is important, because positive body image, self-worth, and well being are critical to helath and wellness.

Body dissatisfaction is a huge problem in our society and is related to all sorts of negative behavior, affecting kids who are as young as 5-years old. 

See what KooDooZ did to incorporate fun into wellness: 

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