Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Fitbit is a Hit! Fitness and Technology at an all-time High!

There’s a new toy out that you may not have heard of yet. It’s the Fitbit and it’s revolutionizing fitness beyond belief.

The Fitbit is a 24-hour calorie-monitoring device that you simply slide on to your pants. It has newly-developed technology that allows the device to track every movement you make including general exercise such as jogging. It transfers this movement into data that is converted into calories burned.

What’s also really incredible is the enhanced capabilities the Fitbit has. In addition to the Fitbit tracking your movement throughout your daily activities, it also tracks your sleep patterns.

By determining how you toss and turn, the Fitbit can determine how long it took you to go to sleep and how many times you woke up during your sleep. This type of revolutionary data is incredible and allows the user to determine how to get a better sleep, in addition to determining how well rested you are.

The Fitbit Dashboard is your personal database that allows you to chart and keep track of your progress. In your dashboard, you can input various factors that help personalize your Fitbit such as age, height, weight, and gender.

Fitbit also allows you to import nutritional information they’ve already determined and stored for some of the most popular restaurants and food types.

As fascinated and infatuated with the Fitbit as I am, there is one fatal flaw. It’s the lack of activities provided for monitoring. Fitbit can’t accurately determine calorie burn for weight-lifting or other activities such as cycling, rowing, and any other unconventional exercise.

It seems for now the Fitbit is only adequate for running and walking.

Fitbit has plans for future models to be capable of communicating with other Fitbits to allow the comparison of fitness goals with other Fitbit users as well as an online community of Fitbit users.

I think this is a cool idea, however I really think they should focus on increasing the technology to allow for other activities as opposed to developing it into a social product. Most people have very private exercises, and I really can’t imagine people meeting up to jog together and talk about their “Fitbit fitness goals.”

I’m sorry… I just don’t see it.

A product like Fitbit is for the demographic of people like me who live in urban metropolitan areas. I live in Austin, TX and while there’s a large community of joggers, there’s a ton more cyclists and rowers. I’m sure they’d like a Fitbit too.

Official Fitbit Website:

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The Fitbit is a Hit! Fitness and Technology at an all-time High!

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