Monday, August 31, 2009

How Are You Spending Your Time?

I have always been fascinated by time… and how people use it. Over the last year, I have been almost obsessed with how I use mine.

Why is that?

Great question!

A while back, I read an unattributed quote (if anyone knows who wrote it, let me know)… and that quote has stuck with me.

Every morning you are handed 24 golden hours. They are one of the few things in this world that you get free of charge. If you had all the money in the world, you couldn’t buy an extra hour. What will you do with this priceless treasure?

Let that sink in for just a moment. You are given 24 hours each and every day. Free. You are able to pretty much spend them as you choose. Yet, even if you had infinite wealth, you cannot buy extra time.

Time is, without a doubt, the most precious resource you have.

I took that to heart. I was the kind of procrastination. Put it off until later. I can get started on my diet tomorrow. I can go to the gym “later.”

Yet, I don’t know how many times I used “I don’t have enough time to do that right now” as an excuse to procrastinate even more.

The more time I didn’t have, the fatter and less productive I became, and then the less time I had. It was a never ending cycle.

After I read absorbed that quote, I took a time inventory. And I found out that I was spending my time like I had an unending supply. Goofing off. Television. Internet.

I found ways to eliminate some of that wasted time. Made it a priority to plan in workout time. Planned to be productive. Planned to get stuff done. Scheduled it.

And then I got it done. I lost the extra weight I had put on since college. I got more done during the day than I thought possible. And still had time to relax.

Whether it be fitness or internet work, or even “play,” I have chosen to spend my time with a clear purpose, even if that purpose is to unwind.

I chunk my time together. Gym is a focused hour. This blog post is a focused 30 minutes. I have an hour set aside to research and write a new article for Build Muscle and Burn Fat with Middle Management. If I want to watch a TV show, it is an hour of relaxing. And then I go out of my way to not get sucked in to the next show.

You get the idea. Plan and then stick to it. Plan it all – even the fun time. And then focus on what you want to get from that hour you are spending…

Because time is always running out.

How are you going to spend your time this week to improve your fitness? To improve your productivity? To improve your LIFE?


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