I have always been fascinated by time… and how people use it. Over the last year, I have been almost obsessed with how I use mine.
Why is that?
Great question!
A while back, I read an unattributed quote (if anyone knows who wrote it, let me know)… and that quote has stuck with me.
Every morning you are handed 24 golden hours. They are one of the few things in this world that you get free of charge. If you had all the money in the world, you couldn’t buy an extra hour. What will you do with this priceless treasure?
Let that sink in for just a moment. You are given 24 hours each and every day. Free. You are able to pretty much spend them as you choose. Yet, even if you had infinite wealth, you cannot buy extra time.
Time is, without a doubt, the most precious resource you have.
I took that to heart. I was the kind of procrastination. Put it off until later. I can get started on my diet tomorrow. I can go to the gym “later.”
Yet, I don’t know how many times I used “I don’t have enough time to do that right now” as an excuse to procrastinate even more.
The more time I didn’t have, the fatter and less productive I became, and then the less time I had. It was a never ending cycle.
After I read absorbed that quote, I took a time inventory. And I found out that I was spending my time like I had an unending supply. Goofing off. Television. Internet.
I found ways to eliminate some of that wasted time. Made it a priority to plan in workout time. Planned to be productive. Planned to get stuff done. Scheduled it.
And then I got it done. I lost the extra weight I had put on since college. I got more done during the day than I thought possible. And still had time to relax.
Whether it be fitness or internet work, or even “play,” I have chosen to spend my time with a clear purpose, even if that purpose is to unwind.
I chunk my time together. Gym is a focused hour. This blog post is a focused 30 minutes. I have an hour set aside to research and write a new article for Build Muscle and Burn Fat with Middle Management. If I want to watch a TV show, it is an hour of relaxing. And then I go out of my way to not get sucked in to the next show.
You get the idea. Plan and then stick to it. Plan it all – even the fun time. And then focus on what you want to get from that hour you are spending…
Because time is always running out.
How are you going to spend your time this week to improve your fitness? To improve your productivity? To improve your LIFE?
Oversized tisha från Nike, 299 kr Ljusgråa träningsbyxor i bomull från Soc, 249 kronor Vita gympaskor med silverdetaljer från Nike (Air Kapelle), 699 kronor. Allt hos Stadium.
Att hitta träningsinspiration när man helst ligger hemma på soffan och kollar film är inte det enklaste. Men med en ny snygg träningsoutfit blir man både sporrad (vem vill kasta pengar i sjön?) och motiverad. När man har en tight budget så är de här snygga träningskläderna ett perfekt alternativ. Allt kostar tillsammans under 1300 kronor.
Ikväll ska jag faktiskt tvinga mig själv iväg till SATS för att bränna lite fett och tighta till låren. Bikinisäsongen är över, tack och lov, det är nu man faktiskt kan satsa på att träna utan att få ångest för att resultaten inte syns dagen efter. Precis som sig bör. Att hetsträna är inget för mig. Jag ska föröska köra på ett långvarigt förhållande med mina nya träningskläder.
Running for Abs: How to Get a Six-Pack with the Help of the Treadmill Weight training training is good for your health. You’re going to learn how to lose stomach fat 5 times faster with these full body exercises that don’t actually target your abs at all. By the end of month two I was back to my original weight the perfect way to get perfect abs has also helped me shape my body ,something i have never had thanks John. You will also look good ,the guide perfect way to get perfect abs is guaranteed to get you the perfect abs. When trying to lose weight, one of the easiest ways to achieve faster more satisfying results is to incorporate fat burning foods into your diet. A lot of people don’t exercise as they say they are too busy, or they are waiting for the right time. Some say just exercise, some say low carb, some say high carb, some say just eat less and others say eat whatever you feel like eating.
Over 40% Of The Adult Population Will Suffer From Hemorrhoids. Are You Making Any Of These 3 Mistakes That Contribute To It?
Today, I wanted to alert you to something will afflict 40% of the adult population (or more) at some point of their lives. It’s called hemorrhoids or piles and it’s basically any form of vein inflammation around the lower rectal regions.
Blood on your toilet paper? Itching in your anus area? Pain during constipation? All of these are likely signs that you may have hemorrhoids and it’s no laughing matter – because although common, they can be annoying and embarrassing.
In the more severe stages, they can fall out like a lump outside your bottom. So what are some common mistakes that people make which contribute to developing this common condition? Even if you have these already, avoiding the following 3 mistakes can start relieving the problem gradually.
Mistake #1: Eating too much processed food
This can be a toughie for some people. However, it’s known that processed foods create harder stool and troubles in digestion. This creates constipation and other issues which can lead to hemorrhoids. The key here, especially when you are suffering and trying to cure hemorrhoids, is to lower your intake of processed sugars and foods.
Mistake #2: Sedentary lifestyle
A lot of long term sitting can create additional pressure on the bottom area and this invokes the perfect environment for a hemorrhoid to occur if combined with a sharp force such as constipation or pregnancy (in women). The solution is to make sure you do not sit for over 1 hour at a time, and remember to do stretches that promote healthy blood flow.
Mistake #3: Intake of processed medication and creams
This creates the same potential problem as processed foods. Even many of the fiber supplements contain processed and artificial elements that can create side-effects elsewhere… and lastly they are not even attacking the root of the problem here.
The other downside of these creams which do no benefit is that they waste one’s time and the hemorrhoid can get worse over time if the root problem is not reversed.
So try to avoid these 3 mistakes and you will not be contributing to any worsening of hemorrhoids. It’s very important to understand these in our modern lifestyle of sedentary office work and processed, convenient diets.
More has been mis-stated about the topics of exercise and weight loss (that is two separate topics) over the years than has been correctly posited. I’ve come to accept this. But when a mostly reputable publication such as Time magazine marries the two into a cover story and blows it completely, I’m much more disappointed than accepting. And I wonder if misleading readers for sales gain has become the new journalism.
Time magazine’s recent cover piece “Why Exercise Won’t Make You Thin” (August 9, 2009) leads readers to believe, through assumption and personal anecdote, that exercise merely causes post-workout hunger sated only by eating “more junk food, like doughnuts.” This is a problem of “compensation” or, as author John Cloud says, “the lip-licking anticipation of perfectly salted, golden-brown French fries after a hard trip to the gym.”
Cloud would have readers believe that pushing people to exercise may actually be contributing to our obesity problem. Exercise depletes our self-control muscle, he writes, leaving exercises more inclined to lounging with a bag of chips than some otherwise more healthful activity. Exercise less, he says so you’ll have more energy throughout the day to burn calories. Hmm, do less, so you can do more? This is the best advice from Time magazine’s journalistic information source?
The writer deserves some credit for revealing truths about exercise. But he buries them beneath faulty studies and mis-leading assumptions and anecdotes.
Clearly, Time’s goal here is selling magazines. That is, of course, its business model how it keeps Cloud on the payroll. Too bad Time couldn’t have used those same pages and that valuable cover space to provide a much-needed service to readers and the public about the facts of exercise’s impact on weight loss, especially when combined with simple eating habit corrections.
CBS news tackled a similar topic, likely enticed by Time’s erroneous assumptions, titled “Can Exercise Make You Gain Weight?”
This new piece actually presented facts that can lead readers to true understanding about the relationship between exercise and weight loss. And CBS provided this information faster than Time’s Cloud can finish off a small order of fries.
Well, my master plan to hit the beach after work and test the Laird 12′ 1″ stand-up paddleboard in some waves was washed out by torrential rains and lightning. I probably could have squeeked out for a few minutes, but there really wasn’t any surf to speak of by the time I got to Pass-A-Grille.
So, I ended up getting out on the board bright and early this morning and tooling around the flat water of Riviera Bay. The longer board definitely moved better in the flat water–tracking well and accelerating with each stroke. I did have some trouble catching weeds on the fin as last night’s rain stirred up a bunch of sea grass. But, overall it was a better flat water paddling experience than the Ali’i I.
That said, I’m still undecided. For a kayak racer, used to going 7-8mph, even the bigger board just seemed slow. Sure, it was a good core workout–but, I get that in the racing kayak or surf ski as well. So now, I’m wondering if I’m really more interested in a SUP for flat water or surfing–and, in my mind, at this moment, I seem to be interested in the surfing.
But, I’d still like to give the 12′ 1″ board a chance in some waves–especially since I now have the Ali’i I to compare. I also had a friend mention the Laird 11′ 6″ board and that it surfs well, but tracks better on flat water than the Ali’i. So, I may still be a few steps away from a SUP decision.
With those thoughts in my head, it’s time to head into the garage (and the maelstrom that tonight’s thunderstorm is stirring up) and get in tonight’s warrior workout.
Working out and having a fitness plan means different things to different people. You may jump on the fitness train because you need to lose weight or because your spouse or friends are pressuring you into it. You may do it because it makes you feel better than if you don’t work out. Whatever your reasons for working out, a fitness plan helps you to set goals, make a plan of action for achieving your goals and measuring whether or not you meet your goals.
Set your why goal
Decide why it is you want to workout and then write it down. You can even use visual aids to help to stay focused and on track as to why you’re working so hard. Goals for each person can be very different, so make sure you have a long talk with yourself to determine your “why goal.”
Some why goals include:
Fitting into a bikini for the summer
Losing baby weight after a pregnancy
Toning flabby areas of your body
Losing weight
Training for a bodybuilding competition
Not only does setting your why goal help you come to realization about why you’re working out, but it also helps you to choose workouts that will help you meet your goal. A workout for someone trying to tone up will look very different from someone who is trying to lose weight after a pregnancy.
Choose workouts to help you meet your goal
You can turn to online resources or in-person to a professional to find and create workout regimens to help you meet your goal. After you have your goal written down, you can discuss this with a professional trainer or research workouts that fit your niche. For example, someone looking to add 30 pounds of muscle to get ready for a competition would stay clear of cardio and focus more on weight training, interval training and resistance training workouts that will help to add muscle quicker.
Measure the results
As you progress through your plan, be sure to periodically check-in with yourself to see what the results are. You may do this by seeing that you have dropped to a smaller clothing size or that the scale says you weigh less or more. It may be a body fat test that provides you with the results you’re looking for. Whatever the measure, be sure you record your achievement of your goals. This will help to keep you motivated so that you can continue to head toward final achievement.
Just started MMA classes! Overall they are very fun lol not really and very tough. I’m on my third week of classes and it has definitely taken a toll on my body. I train twice a day, 1 hour sessions each, sounds like a lot, but I manage, heh. My one friend their recommended I try out some supplements to help me train better. I found one very useful link thru google. Some very great tips for a noobie like me. will post link below
Also this week I finally registered for college!! Yay, can’t wait!!! not. I am really dedicated plenty of my time for MMA, hope it pays off.
When hiring a personal trainer, make sure you do your homework. You are putting your health and your body in someone else’s hands. You wouldn’t let a mechanic off the street work on your car, so why wouldn’t you do the same with your body? Here are a few tips to consider before hiring a trainer.
Are they certified?
A personal trainer should hold a CURRENT NCCA-accredited certification. The National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) has 26 years of experience accrediting allied health professions such as registered dietitians, nurses, athletic trainers, and occupational therapists. In 2006, the International Health, Racquet and Sportsclub Association (IHRSA) recommended that club owners only hire personal trainers with certifications from agencies accredited through the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) or an equivalent accrediting organization. Currently, there are over 300 certifying agencies, but only a handful that are accredited by the NCCA. A few that made that list are ACE, ACSM, NASM, NCSF, NFPT & NSCA (to see the full list go to www.noca.com).
It’s sad, but there are a lot of “fitness experts”, “fitness professionals” and personal trainers out there who are not certified, or are certified, but not by a reputable and nationally recognized agency. If you hire one of these people, you are putting your health and body in danger.
Are they insured and CPR/AED Certified?
In the event that something should happen during your session, you want to make sure that you are protected. Before beginning any type of workout, your trainer should show you proof of liability insurance, proof of a CURRENT CPR/AED certification, have you sign a waiver and complete a health history. If these steps are skipped over – run away as fast as you can!
Do they have experience with people who have the same health issues / injuries as you?
If you are looking to train for a specific sport or activity, have medical issues, are pre or post natal or are coming back from an injury make sure you choose a trainer that has experience in that area. The last thing you want is to become reinjured or set further away from your goal.
Ask for a trial workout or consultation
Not every trainer will be a good fit for you. If you are looking to run a marathon, hiring a trainer who specializes in body building probably won’t be a good choice for you. You need to find a trainer that can help you reach your goals. A good trainer will be more than happy to meet with you, discuss your goals with you and find out if you would work well together.
During your trial workout or consultation, don’t be afraid to ask questions. You are hiring a trainer to help YOU reach YOUR goals and you need to know everything you can in order to make the right decision.
After your consultation or trial workout ask yourself: Does this trainer motivate me? Could we get along? Do I feel comfortable with this trainer? Does this trainer have an interest in helping me reach my goals?
Are their previous/present clients happy with their results?
A reputable trainer will have no problems giving you references. Request email addresses or phone numbers of previous and /or present clients. Ask the client if the trainer was on time for sessions, addressed their needs and acted in a professional manner.
Watch your trainer in action
If you can, check out your possible trainer in a real life situation. Some trainers talk a good talk, but when it comes to training – they can’t walk the walk. Watch to see if they are attentive to their clients form, keep their workout area safe (equipment out of the way) and stay focused on their client during the session.
Cookie Cutter Cal – This trainer has one workout that they do and they do it with every one of their clients. Leg press, lat pull down, chest press – repeat. Bicep curl, bench dip, front raise – next! It doesn’t matter if you’re 18 or 81 – all their clients get the same workout.
Chatty Cathy – This trainer is a talker. He/she talks constantly about everything and anything. You could be pinned underneath a barbell and he/she won’t even notice because he/she is too into recapping Grey’s Anatomy.
Pill Poppin’ Pat – With all the supplements he/she carries in their pocket, this trainer can be heard coming from a mile away. This trainer has a magic pill for everything. Red, blue, orange, green – every pill has a purpose and he/she thinks YOU should be taking all of them.
Flexing Felix – Usually a male trainer, but not always. This trainer is more interested in how he/she looks in the mirror than in your form. This one can usually be found flexing in front of any reflective object. If he is wearing a shirt (but probably not), it will most definitely say “Welcome to the Gun Show!”
The Gossip Queen – This trainer is almost always a woman. She is in this business for 1 reason, and 1 reason only – the gossip. She attracts clients that love the gossip as well. Sessions don’t focus on working out or getting fit. Oh, no. It’s all about who is doing what with who. Needless to say, the only goal that these clients achieve is big, strong jaw muscles.
DR. PT, MD. – To the ER, Stat! This trainer actually thinks because he/she knows where the patella is located that they are a medical doctor. He/she will diagnose your injury or illness and tell you how they can heal you. You “You don’t need to see a doctor for that debilitating pain in your leg – it’s just shin splits. Here, let’s do some sprints to warm you up!” This trainer may actually carry surgical gauze and a trach kit in their cargo shorts. Yikes!
Last but not least: The Drill Sergeant – Combat boots, a whistle and camo pants are a part of this trainer’s wardrobe. This trainer yells, screams obscenities and works you so hard you’re in pain for days. Complaining only leads to more reps and throwing up makes him/her laugh uncontrollably. After a session with this trainer, you’ll be lucky if you can breathe without crying!
Is there anything better on a hot summer day than cooling off in your backyard pool? Especially when the pool is a family heirloom? My mom had this inflatable pool at her house more than 20 years ago for her granddaughters and now her great-grandson thinks it’s the best thing ever. Honestly, I didn’t remember the pool, but my mom kept saying, “I have the pool the girls played in and it would be perfect for Capt. Adorable.” And she was right! It fits just exactly on the patio, which is in the afternoon shade, and 17-months-old Capt. Adorable and his mommy get out and have fun in it almost every day (although that’s the Captain’s aunt in the photo). Say the word “pool” and the Captain’s at the patio door, ready to go. It took him awhile, but now he’s fully conversant in the arts of splashing, pouring and dumping cupfuls of water on anyone brave enough to get close.
Saturday August 22nd 29 Days until The Great North Run
Total Raised: £75 (Thank you Julia!) www.anthonynolanevents.org.uk/charleshogge
Distance run today: 10.5km – Okay, well before we go any further I’ll just explain why 16k looks more like 10.5k. My alarm went off at 7:30 this morning, and having decided last night that I would need to leave at 8 in order to be ready for the race start, I instantly decided not to bother and reset my alarm for 8:30. It felt good. Nonetheless, I was still out of the door by 9, rucksack strapped to my back and iPod firmly planted in my ears. Once again the weather was on my side and I enjoyed a glorious run through the park. I would have made it on time as well, had it not been for the detour I took looking for a non-existent shortcut to the squash court. I think it added about a mile onto the journey – fortunately Richmond Park is such a great place to be in the mornings that it really wasn’t a problem. Didn’t embarrass myself on the squash court and, excitingly, I got to wear my new squash shoes for the first time. I’d never have bought the, but I’m damn glad that someone else did! Check ‘em out. Snazzy as, eh? I’ll gauge public reaction when I wear them against a stranger for the first time on Tuesday.
Popped back to Doug’s house afterwards to pick up a bike that he’s very kindly lent me and ended up staying for my first cooked breakfast since I was last back up in Yorkshire. It was beyond incredible – eating healthy food really does make you appreciate the odd fry up all the more! Jumped on the bike during the Ashes lunch break and made my way back through the park at a rather more exhilarating pace than I’d managed on the outwards leg. Arrived home at about 1ish, and immediately put my feet up for the rest of the afternoon.
A friend of mine, Kelly, celebrated her 21st earlier on this week, and I was meeting her and some of her friends in town at 8 for dinner and on. Dress issues pushed that back until 9, and I had just left the flat at about 8:40 when I got another message. Apparently the dress issues were ‘ongoing’, and I should await further instruction. I paused, but then carried on anyway. I figured I’d be able to find someone around to spend an hour or so with, and sure enough Lucy came up trumps, out as she was on one of her many annual all-dayers. A couple of pints and a Sambuca later and I was moving on to Ha Ha and the best and only steak I’ve had in a long time (Rump, medium rare. It tastes better and you know what? I don’t mind the chewin’). After a quick drink at the bar afterwards it was onto Eivissa and far too much time spent ‘dominating’ the podium… not my word, and although I’m not entirely sure how it was meant, I’m going to take it as a compliment! It’s been a long time since I laid down some moves and, judging by Saturday’s performance, it’ll be a long time yet before I do so… still, I enjoyed myself, and when I woke up on someone else’s floor still wearing my shoes at 6:30 this morning, it was with a relatively clear conscience and little fear of spine-tingling flash-backs that I skipped the 2 minutes back home and into my only-too-welcome bed. I can’t be sure, but I’m fairly sure tomorrow (today) will not be the most productive. 4 weeks tomorrow. The last break. I may as well enjoy it; is this a Dominos I see before me..?
Is your back beginning to look like the outside of a bowl? Are shoulders rolled forward and in towards your chest? This could be a sign that your pectoralis muscles are extremely tight and that your back muscles are very weak. One way to pull your shoulders back in line is by strengthening your back muscles. The seated row exercise is a great way to correct your posture and avoid looking like the Hunchback of Notre Dame. Here is how to perform the exercise. Please keep in mind that you do not need a fancy machine to perform this exercise and the exact same move can be performed with an exercise resistance band.
Seated row:
Begin by sitting on the machine with your chest against the chest pad, feet flat on the floor.
Reach forward to hold the handles with your arms straight. Pull your shoulders back and maintain a straight line between the back surface of your hand and your wrist.
On the contraction of your back muscles, keep your chest against the chest pad and pull back by bending the elbows until your hands are in front of your stomach. Your elbows should travel directly backwards.
Slowly return towards the starting position, stopping just before your elbows are almost straight. Repeat the move for 15 repetitions for 2-3 sets. If 15 repetitions are easy, you will need to increase your resistance.
I know I’ve been pretty much a slacker on this blog so I’ve decided to double-post some posts from my other blog, and meanwhile try and resume things here a bit. I miss blogging here but there’s only so much blogging one can do. Here’s something I posted this morning over at FoodFoodBodyBody.
It was not too long ago – less than a year – that I viewed exercise (or “activity” as WW likes to euphemistically call it) as painful, something to be dreaded and endured. Even though I was going to a personal trainer twice a week, I rarely did anything on the other days. And I often could barely get through my workouts. Sometimes I cried. Sometimes I threw up (I am not kidding). Sometimes I acted like a total whiney wimp so my trainer would have mercy on me and go easy on my poor pathetic self. It wasn’t pretty. I’d also use exercise as a tool to flog myself when I ate too much. Again, NOT pretty.
But things changed when January 2009 and that blog and my diabetes diagnosis rolled around. I knew that I was going to have to step it up or my body and health were in for big trouble. So I upped the trainer to 3x a week, and started myself on the Couch-to-5k running program. It was not so easy at first, but eventually my 60 second runs turned into two minute runs, then three and five and fifteen minutes. Around that time I actually began LOOKING FORWARD to working out. Once I began working out 5-6 times a week, I began feeling that endorphin rush that I had believed was a mythical state of being. I started feeling happier and more energetic. I stopped wanting to take naps every single day.
For many months, I felt like the longer, the harder, the better. I would go to the gym and go at the elliptical like a mad woman. All this was good. I got a lot stronger. I lost weight. All good!
But I started thinking, how the heck am I going to keep this up when I am sixty years old? Seventy? The idea of it made me feel kind of nervous and worried.
Not long ago, a friend of mine brought me to a Nia class for the first time. It was really one of the most unusual exercise experiences I have ever had. I was not sure what to make of it. I sort of mocked it but I had to admit that it made me feel good, and after that class, I really wanted to do it again (that’s always a good sign!). So yesterday I went to my second class. It was even better than the first one. I enjoyed it so much. The teacher had fabulous dimples (I am a complete sucker for dimples) and kept using words like “juicy” and “gooey” and “yummy.” She was just like that – yummy! and really happy. At the end of the class she put on this song called “Dream” and she was singing along with it really loudly and joyfully, just like you sing in the car with the windows rolled up. I mean, she really belted it out and it was so great! I did not have the guts to belt it out along with her, but it was great to hear.
Today I went to another class, at another place. This teacher was super graceful, elegant and willowy and just beautiful to watch. She was so cool. The other two Nia classes I went to both made me want to laugh out loud (I did, actually) but today’s class had me almost crying in parts. I got really emotional and lump-in-throat as we were moving around. But in a good way.
If you look at the Nia website, one of the testimonials has this woman saying she used to pump iron and such, but now all she does is Nia and she is in super amazing shape. And I had to think, WOW, could you really be in such awesome shape from something that is so much FUN? It does not seem possible. And this is something that seventy year olds can totally do. And thirty year olds.
But I also did not think it was possible to lose weight while eating yummy foods like cheese, brownies, birthday cake and Prosecco. And here I am, doing just that.
It’s made me rethink all the ideas I had about “dieting” and “exercise.” Maybe it doesn’t have to be torture. Maybe the secret is that it CAN’T be torture.
A Free event to meet NYC’s finest BodyMind Fitness leaders
September 25 10-5 PM
Join us for a free event, FITNESS Forward: New BodyMind Trends with internationally acclaimed teachers, Friday, September 25, 2009 10-5:15 PMat 320 Studios, 320West 37th St, 14th Floor. To register online at Movementsafoot.com
Registration: 9:30, Workshops: 10-5pm
Fitness Forward: New BodyMind Trends brings together international leaders of the bodymind and fitness field.
Fitness Forward, featuring four pioneers in BodyMind Fitness, will introduce integrated yet unique approaches to this increasingly popular and exciting field. Each of our dynamic presentations is designed to inspire participants towards a new vision for health and fitness.
Join for free classes to get a taste of the unique trends upcoming about the body and its function. Internationally acclaimed leaders of fitness and bodymind therapies will be Tom Myers, author of Anatomy Trains, Dr. Martha Eddy, CMA, exercise physiologist and director of CKE, Lesley Powell, CMA Directors of BodyMind Fitness Certification and Movements Afoot, Doris Pasteleur Hall- renowned Pilates teacher and BMF faculty and Colleen Wahl, CLMA and director of Move into Greatness.
Entire free day of classes.*
10-11:30am Anatomy Trains: Myofascial Meridian System with Tom Myers
11:45-1:00pm Dynamic Gait Analysis: A 3-D approach to walking with Dr. Martha Eddy, Lesley Powell, Doris Pasteleur Hall
2-3:15pm State of MInd: Training techniques to up your Fitness: Model for supporting self-discovery and personal breakthrough in fitness training BMF faculty and Colleen Wahl, CLMA and director of Move into Greatness.
3:30-4:30pm Moving On Aerobics: Unique Aerobics class that not only changes your heart rate but improves your lymph health, flexiblity and feels absolutely great on your body; heart & soul.
4:30-5 BodyMind Fitness Q and A
To register, visit MovementsAfoot.com to sign up through their website.
Teacher Biographies:
Tom Myers
Thomas Myers trained directly with Drs. Ida Rolf, Moshe Feldenkrais, and Buckminster Fuller and has practiced integrative bodywork for over 30 years. Tom directs Kinesis, Inc., which offers professional seminars worldwide. Tom is the author of Anatomy Trains (Elsevier 2001) and numerous articles for trade magazines and journals.
Dr Martha Eddy
Martha, an internationally reknowned educator is co-director of BodyMind Fitness, within her Dynamic Embodiment Therapist Training Certification. As founder of Center for Kinesthetic Education she brings somatic principles to an array of disciplines. She received her doctorate from Teachers College, Columbia University in movement science and education in 1998, and has a Masters of Arts in Applied Physiology.
Lesley Powell
Lesley has been a leader in movement education for over 20 years. She is the founder and director of Movements Afoot, a Pilates Wellness Studio and co-directs BodyMind Fitness. Other teaching credits include faculty at Drew University, international lecturer and Faculty of BalancedBody University. As a regular contributor her words have been featured in numerous magazines including Oprah, Shape and Elle.
Doris Pasteleur Hall
Doris has been in the Pilates world since 1970. This internationally known as a Pilates’ teacher has studied with pioneers in both fitness and somatics and rigorouslycombines the two practices. Her teaching experience includes the Joffrey Ballet and Alvin Ailey dance companies. She is about to become a CMA.
Colleen Wahl
Colleen is fitness’s rising star. This powerhouse is owner and founder of Move Into Greatness where she combines fitness and somatics to empower self-awareness and personal transformation through mindful exercise. Her ideas have been featured in publications including Fitness magazine. As a PhD candidate in Somatic Psychology she is developing her model for body-based creativity.
See the body and fitness in a whole way!
Donations appreciated!